環遊半個世界 World Nomads Travel Insurance 全方位旅遊保險

環遊半個世界 World Nomads Travel Insurance 全方位旅遊保險



出門在外旅遊各式「保險」是礙氏夫妻絕對不會Cost Down的花費。





租車自駕第三方自負額保險:在冰島租4WD自駕輪胎爆胎。維修費35.000 ISK(約台幣10,110元),全額理賠。


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礙彿瑞在找「環遊半個世界」的保險時可說是費盡九牛二虎之力,好不容易才找到符合投保資格的產品——World Nomads




環遊半個世界 40萬台幣180天不間斷旅行






皇天不負苦心人,在網路上搜尋好久才終於給礙彿瑞找到World Nomads這家公司有做旅遊類型的保險產品。

雖然World Nomads網路上負評不少,但礙彿瑞相信保險這種東西就是這樣,應該很難找到有100%好評、正評的保險公司。





礙氏夫妻在World Nomads投保的旅遊保險產品級距是「Explorer Plan」,包含高風險運動如潛水與高山健行。(另有「Standard Plan」可供選擇)


總花費USD 795.62/人,約台幣23,869元。

World Nomads保費平均 台幣132.60元/天


台灣出發 保費平均 台幣45.22元/天


雖然World Nomads跟台灣保險公司的保費差了三倍之多,但World Nomads「Explorer Plan」保障範圍有涵蓋潛水、登山⋯⋯等高風險的運動,這正是礙氏夫妻需要的保障。(據了解台灣保單排除潛水活動)

最後算下來價差約台幣16,000元,為了保險特地從歐洲飛回台灣好像沒有比較划算,因此礙氏夫妻心一橫決定跟World Nomads投保。


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在談最重要的賠償金之前,有一件事情是World Nomads不會特別跟你說,但這卻是一定要知道的事!(重要)

Policy Excess Nil or $100 deductible/co-pay per person per event claimed.

每筆申請理賠出險自負額USD 100,客戶需自行負擔。


以下為礙彿瑞不專業簡易翻譯,正式保單內容請詳閱英文版保單,保險條款解釋與理賠金額以World Nomads官方網頁公告為準。



Standard __ 標準方案的賠償金額上限

Explorer __ 探險家方案賠償金額上限


Overseas medical & dental expenses

While travelling overseas, you suffer an acute serious illness or acute serious injury and you require urgent and necessary medical or emergency dental treatment or hospitalisation. Read about what’s covered (and not) & how we can help for details.


Standard $5,000,000

Explorer Unlimited 無上限

Pain relieving dental treatment

Urgent and immediate treatment by a dentist for an injury, infection, lost filling or a broken tooth during your trip.


Standard $300

Explorer $500

Prescribed medicines by a doctor or specialist

Medicines prescribed by an authorised physician, dentist or specialist while travelling.


Standard 實支實付

Explorer 實支實付

Daily emergency cash allowance in hospital

A daily cash allowance ($50 per day) while you’re in hospital, where pre-approved by Bupa Global Travel.

當您住院時每日現金津貼(每天50美元),需由Bupa Global Travel預先批准。

Standard $2,000

Explorer $3,000

註:Bupa Global Travel Tel.: +45 70 20 70 48 (Denmark) worldnomads@ihi.com

Hospitalisation or treatment by a doctor or specialist

Surgery or medical treatment in a hospital or clinic either as an inpatient or outpatient.


Standard 實支實付

Explorer 實支實付

Physiotherapy or chiropractic treatment

Treatment by physiotherapists and chiropractors as prescribed by an authorised physician.


Standard 不包括

Explorer $2,000

Treatment by acupuncturist or osteopath

Alternative treatment by registered and licensed acupuncturist or osteopath.


Standard 不包括

Explorer $500

Counselling after an assault or mugging

Covers the cost of counselling by a psychologist abroad or in your country of permanent residence following your mugging or assault.


Standard $250

Explorer $250

Sports & adventure activities

You’re covered for medical expenses and medical evacuation/repatriation expenses if you’re injured participating in a range of covered adventure sports and activities while travelling overseas. Coverage for snowsports and parachuting are only included in the Explorer Plan. You’re not covered to participate in paragliding; hang gliding; rock climbing or mountaineering that requires specialized climbing equipment; base jumping; professional (non-recreational) sports; or motorsports on any plan.

依投保「Standard Plan」「Explorer Plan」的不同,所涵蓋的各項活動、運動也不同。



  • Abseiling 垂降
  • Base jumping 定點跳傘
  • Bull riding 騎牛
  • Camping over 6,000 meters 在海拔超過6000米之高山露營
  • Cycling over 6,000 meters 在海拔超過6000米之高山騎乘自行車
  • Expeditions in Antarctica, within the Arctic Circle and Greenland 在南極洲,北極圈和格陵蘭島的活動
  • Fishing – rock fishing 岩釣
  • Flying / piloting an aircraft 駕駛飛行器
  • Hang gliding 懸掛式滑翔
  • Hiking over 6,000 meters 攀登海拔超過6000米之高山
  • Martial arts – cage fighting, mixed martial arts, kickboxing, Muay Tha 武術 – 籠鬥、混合武術、跆拳道、泰拳
  • Mountaineering using specialist climbing equipment 使用專業器材之登山活動
  • Motocross 越野摩托車
  • Motorsports – shows, races, competition or training 賽車 – 表演、比賽、競賽或訓練
  • Paragliding 滑翔傘
  • Parapenting 滑翔傘
  • Professional sports where you receive a payment or wage 從中獲取報酬的職業運動
  • Rock climbing 攀岩
  • Running of the bulls 奔牛節
  • Scuba diving over 50 meters 水肺潛水深度超過50米
  • Trekking in Antarctica, the Arctic Circle and Greenland 步行在南極洲、北極圈和格陵蘭島
  • Trekking over 6,000 meters 在海拔超過6000米之高山徒步
  • Tuk Tuk racing e.g Rickshaw Run 嘟嘟賽車
  • Wingsuit flying 飛鼠裝滑翔運動

為保險起見,請在進行活動前至World Nomads官網確認是否在保險範圍內。

World Nomads會不定時調整,請以官網最新資訊為準。

Study, work and volunteer

Emergency medical assistance, medical treatment and medical evacuation/repatriation if you are seriously injured or in an accident while you study, work or volunteer overseas. You must have the appropriate visa and/or be allowed to study or work under the local laws of the country. Non-manual work includes non-physical jobs including office, hospitality, teaching, care-giving or retail work. Manual work is physical labour, usually done with your hands or machinery including fruit picking, hair-dressing, construction or work in a factory assembly line.

如持有學生、工作簽或者志工簽證,當有意外發生時可提供緊急醫療援助。醫療和醫療後送/遣返。非勞力活動(Non-manual work)包括辦公室、接待、教學、護理或零售工作。勞力活動(Manual work)指通常用手或機械完成,包括採摘水果、修剪、建造或在工廠裝配線上工作。

Standard Non-manual work only

Explorer Non-manual work & manual work.

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24 hour emergency assistance

In case of death, sickness, injury or accident while travelling, our emergency assistance team at Bupa Global Assistance are multi-lingual and can help, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

如果在旅途中遇到死亡、生病、受傷或意外事故,Bupa Global Assistance的緊急援助團隊將提供多語種服務,每週7天,每天24小時提供幫助。

Standard Unlimited 無上限

Explorer Unlimited 無上限

Emergency medical transport, evacuation, repatriation & travel expenses

Emergency transport to a medical facility, your evacuation to a safe place or repatriation home when pre-approved by the insurer, Bupa Global Assistance. Read about what’s covered (and not) & how we can help for details.

在保險公司Bupa Global Assistance預先批准的情況下,緊急運送到醫療機構、疏散到安全的地方或後送返家。了解所涵蓋的內容(以及未涵蓋的內容)以及我們如何為詳細信息提供幫助。


+45 70 23 24 61 (Denmark) 丹麥

+45 42 41 30 00 (text message only,no phone calls) 本專線僅收簡訊

Standard $500,000

Explorer $500,000

Ambulance transport

Transportation to the nearest medical facility or to another place for treatment.


Standard 包括

Explorer 包括

Compassionate emergency repatriation

Reasonable expenses to repatriate you home if you have to end your trip due to a close relative’s sudden illness, injury or death.


Standard 包括

Explorer 包括

Non-medical evacuation (war, terrorism or natural disaster)

Evacuation to a safe place due to war, terrorism or natural disaster.


Standard 包括

Explorer 包括

Personal support & accompaniment

Economy class flights and reasonable additional travel expenses for accommodation, local transportation and meals for a friend or close relative to support and accompany you in hospital and your repatriation home if your condition is life threatening or you will be in hospital for at least 5 nights. Travel expenses must be pre-approved by the insurer Bupa Global Travel ($250 per day).

如果您的病況危及生命或您將在醫院接受治療(住院至少5晚),保險公司將承擔朋友或至親的經濟艙航班與合理的額外旅行費用,諸如住宿、當地交通和膳食。旅行費用必須由保險公司Bupa Global Travel預先批准(每天250美元)。


+45 70 23 24 61 (Denmark) 丹麥

+45 42 41 30 00 (text message only,no phone calls) 本專線僅收簡訊

Standard $5,000

Explorer $5,000

Accidental death, repatriation of remains

Cremation and/or transportation of your remains home if you die while overseas.


Standard $15,000

Explorer $15,000

Pre-trip cancellation

Cover for pre-paid, non-refundable travel expenses, tuition/course fees and tours if you have to cancel your trip before you leave home, due to an unexpected, serious illness or injury requiring hospitalisation. Read about what’s covered (and not) & how we can help for details.


Standard $5,000

Explorer $10,000

Trip interruption

Covers your your non-refundable, pre-paid travel and accommodation expenses, change to itinerary fees and tuition/course fees if, after you leave home, your trip is interrupted or you have to end your trip early due to your (or your close relative’s) death, acute serious illness/injury.


Standard 包括

Explorer 包括

Home visit

We will let you return home and resume your trip under the insured period for any reason at your own expense.

我們將讓您回家並在保險期內以任何理由繼續您的旅行,費用自理。(必須符合Pre-trip cancellation之條款)

Standard 包括一次

Explorer 包括一次

 Resumption of trip

Covers the cost to resume your trip if you had to return home due to the death or hospitalisation of a close relative or if you have been medically evacuated/repatriated due to an acute serious illness or injury.


Standard $1,500

Explorer $3,000

Travel delay

Cover for reasonable additional expenses for local transportation, meals and hotel accommodation if your pre-booked transport is delayed for more than 3 hours, cancelled or overbooked ($100 per day).

如果事先預訂的交通工具延遲超過三小時、取消或是超賣,將保障合理的額外花費如當地交通、膳食與住宿 。

Standard $500 

Explorer $1,000

Missed flight connection

Covers a replacement flight ticket or the cost to change your ticket if a common carrier causes you to miss your pre-booked connecting flight.


Standard 不包括

Explorer $1,000


Loss of pre-paid travel expenses if you decide to end your trip after you have been hijacked.


Standard 不包括

Explorer $1,000

Special event cover

Reasonable alternative transport costs to arrive on time if you are delayed and need to attend a pre-paid music, cultural or sporting event. You will also be reimbursed if the tickets can not be refunded or rescheduled.


Standard 不包括

Explorer $500

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Baggage & personal effects

Covers your baggage, clothing, electronic equipment, jewellery or other items you take or buy on your trip if they are stolen, damaged by a natural disaster, or lost/damaged by a common carrier. Special conditions and single item limits apply.


Standard $2,500 

Explorer $3,500

Theft of baggage

Cover if your baggage and/or personal belongings are stolen from you, a locked room, vehicle or safety box.


Standard 包括

Explorer 包括

Loss or damage to checked in baggage

Documented loss or damage to baggage by a common carrier, accommodation or luggage storage provider.


Standard 包括

Explorer 包括

Loss or damage by fire or natural disaster

Cover if your belongings are lost or damaged by fire or other natural disaster if locked in your accommodation abroad or a locked safety box.


Standard 包括

Explorer 包括

Delayed baggage

Reasonable expenses for the purchase of essential items of clothing, toiletries and essential medicine where your registered, checked-in baggage is delayed for more than 12 hours ($150 / 24hrs up to 3 days).


Standard $450 

Explorer $750

Theft of cash

Your cash is covered up to the limit shown if it is stolen from you.


Standard 不包括

Explorer $250

Passport & travel documents

Covers the cost to replace your passport, credit cards, tickets, drivers license, travellers cheques, securities and other travel documents if they are stolen from you or lost in a fire or natural disaster.


Standard $500

Explorer $1000

Theft or damage to sporting equipment

Theft of your sporting equipment or damage to your sporting equipment by a common carrier.


Standard 不包括

Explorer $500

Personal liability – physical injury or property damage

Legal liability and defence costs for any physical injury or property damage you negligently cause to a third party.


Standard $1,000,000

Explorer $2,500,000

Rental vehicle insurance excess

Covers the excess on your rental vehicle insurance if you are in a motor accident or your rental vehicle is stolen. You can also submit a claim to pay for additional costs to return the vehicle if you are medically unfit to drive.



Standard 不包括

Explorer $2,000


歐洲租車自駕各項保險 與icarhireinsurance 第三方租車自負額保險

歐洲租車自駕 ICARHIREINSURANCE 第三方租車保險 出險理賠教戰手冊

歐洲/美國/全球 RENTALCOVER 第三方租車自負額保險

歐洲/美國/全球 租租車 租車+第三方租車自負額保

Personal accident

Compensation and/or repayment of a credit card or student loan if you are involved in an accident and you die, lose a limb or lose your eyesight.

如果涉及事故並且死亡,失去肢體或失去視力則可以申請賠償和/或 償還信用卡或學生貸款。

Standard 不包括

Explorer $20,000

Accidental death, loss of eye(s), limb(s), permanent total disablement

Compensation in case of accidental death, loss of a limb, loss of sight, loss of extremity, or permanent total disablement while abroad or up to one year after the accident.


Standard 不包括

Explorer 包括

Student loan & credit repayment

If you die or suffer permanent loss of sight in one eye, permanent loss of one limb or permanent total disablement while travelling, a one-time payment is available to repay your full time student loan or credit owed.


Standard 不包括

Explorer $5,000

World Nomads基本的保險條款大約是這樣,但再次強調這是彿瑞不專業簡易翻譯,正式保單內容請詳閱英文版保單,解釋以World Nomads官方公告為主。

如果還有任何相關的疑問,或是不確定、特定情況下有無保障,建議可以至Help Desk詢找相關問題與回覆。

World Nomads所提供的保險與台灣各家保險公司販售的保險產品,兩者仔細比較細項與條款後不難發現保障權益其實差蠻多的。

World Nomads特別在包含緊急醫療後送這一塊做得比較完全、提供給被保險人較多的保障,所以World Nomads在尼泊爾登山界中還蠻有名的。

最後,在出這篇文章時礙氏夫妻已平安完成環遊半個世界180天的壯舉(?),很慶幸地並未使用到任何World Nomads保險權益。

再給礙佛瑞重新選擇一次保險公司,我還是會選擇World Noamds。


最後,以礙彿瑞個人分析World Nomads的優缺點作為總結。


  • 隨時隨地皆可購買。World Nomads未限制被保險人一定要在國內(護照持有國)就投保。如果人在國外時購買World Nomads保險產品,則從購買保單到保險生效之間有3天的等待期(72小時)。
  • 投保Explorer Plan從事大多數運動均可獲得保障。如:潛水、登山。
  • 尤其適合長時間、不間斷旅行者。保障被保險人因故需返家的狀況,並且能再次重新返回旅遊地,繼續你的旅程。
  • 出險申請理賠皆能在網路上辦妥。


  • 保費貴。
  • World Nomads官方網頁與保險條文解釋無中文版。


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3 thoughts on “環遊半個世界 World Nomads Travel Insurance 全方位旅遊保險

  1. 請問一下:所以只要申請理賠就要先付$100us給保險公司的意思嗎?謝謝


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